Shape Numbers 1000-1987
Shape 1375, pattern number 9956
This page includes a list of shape numbers 1000-1987. It is very much a “work in progress”. I will add new shapes as these come to light. I have included photographs where these are available, or outline drawings to help identify a particular shape. Below the images I have included the description taken from “Royal Crown Derby” by John Twitchett and Betty Bailey. Betty was given the unenviable task of describing nearly 2000 shapes at a time when only very limited illustrations could be included. In brackets after the description I have added shape numbers where I have seen actual marked pieces. These often differ from those listed in the shape books, but I presume that if a shape proved particularly popular it was produced in other patterns to meet the demand.
Inevitably I will have made errors, as the hand painted numbers are often unclear, and the incised numbers are very difficult to identify from images. Nevertheless I have endeavoured to show part of the wide range of shapes produced by the factory. It should also make it easier to determine if a particular piece has a missing cover or lid. Please note that some items will have been repaired, and I have already discovered pieces with replacement knobs and handles which bear very little resemblance to the original!
The outline drawings are my own work, and I do not claim to be an artist. I have done my best to represent the shapes, but reliance on photographs makes it difficult to differentiate between embossing and ribbing, which form part of the shape, and gilt lines. Do check the description to determine the size of a piece, as the photographs and outline drawings vary considerably in scale.
During the period 1927-61, the actual number of new shapes produced was relatively limited, especially when compared with the large number of new patterns. I suspect that the start of the period more or less coincides with shape 1800. I have included the much earlier shapes dating from C1890 as I have had to carry out the research and suspect that a more complete list will be of greater assistance to collectors. I will be adding a further page including shapes 1-999 in due course.
The shape and pattern numbers were often painted in red enamel on the base of a piece which has made it possible to compile this page. Not all are as clear as the example given above. Sometimes the pattern number is placed under the shape number. If the painted number is greater than 1987, it has to relate to the pattern, and not the shape number.
I would not have been able to produce this illustrated page of shape numbers without the co-operation of internet Sellers and Auction Houses, for which I am very appreciative.
1001 - “Vase, classical, with heavily embossed handles, 1ft. 1½” in. with cover”
1002 - “Vase, plain, with embossed neck and top 9¼ in.” (4456)
1005 - “Vase, classical, footed, with embossed handles and small cover 7 in.” (4421)
1006 - “Vase, urn shape, with two handles 5⅜ in.” (4556)
1009 - “Box, round, with gadroon edge and cover L M and S” (6299)
1010 - “As 1009 but heart shape, three sizes” (2649)
1016 - “Vase, plain, with embossed neck and top, and two small handles L 7¼ in. S 5¾ in.” (1128, 2553, 4421, 4795, 4858, 5065, 6299, 9723)
1019 - “Vase, classical, with fluted foot, shoulder, two small handles, and domed cover 6¾ in.” (5590)
1020 - “Ewer, with inverted flute shoulder 7 in.” (1128, 4613)
1029 - “Vase, globe shape with fluted body and stopper 6½ in.” (4673, 4757, 4887)
1030 - “Bell 3½ in.” (4072)
1032 - “Vase, globe shape, with fluted neck and two small handles 4 in. (2444, 4429)
1036 - “Vase, small, plain, with two handles 3¼ in.” (4364, 4758)
1037 - “Vase, globe shape, with two handles 3¾ in.” (2444, 4861)
1041 - “Vase, plain, with embossed handles and neck 4½ in.” (4072)
1042 - “Ewer, small 3⅞ in.” (4429, 4673, 6299)
1045 - “Vase, with base and shoulder ribbed, and two small handles 4 ¼ in.” (4731)
1050 - “Vase, plain, with frilled top. L 6¼ in. S 4¾ in., patterns 6299 and 1128” (1128, 4421, 4678, 5016, 5155, 6299, 9354, 9357)
1051 - “Vase, urn shape, with cover 5½ in.” (6299)
1053 - “Similar to above (?) but plain 6¾ in.” (1128, 4429, 6299)
1062 - “Jugs, ‘Swansea’ shape, fluted, with decorative handle, nine sizes”
1063 - “Fern pot, hexagonal shape, embossed L 4 in. S 3½ in.” (1128, 4758, 6299)
1066 - “Vase, classical, footed, with inverted flute shoulder, two small handles and domed cover 9 ¼ in.” (4397, 4673, 4858, 4863)
1067 - “Vase, classical, with elaborate handles, domed cover and knob 1 ft.” (4735)
1069 - “Vase, classical, with cover 10 in.” (5244, 5246, 5590)
1077 - “Luncheon tray, leaf shape, with acanthus handle” (613, 2649)
1086 - “Vase, footed, ovoid body, with two handles and domed cover” (4613)
1087 - “Menu” (5065)
1095 - “Vase, ewer shape, l 8½ in. S 7 in.” (2553)
1096 - “Vase, with dolphin foot supporting, and cover 6½ in.” (7658 - signed Gresley) Image curtesy of the Chris Hartley collection
1098 - “Vase, globe shape, with heavily embossed shoulders and neck incorporating handles 6¾ in.” (4861)
1099 - “Jardinière, low, 4½ in. high, 7¾” in. wide” (5065)
1102 - “Ink and fast stand” (1126, 2444, 4072, 6299)
1104 - “Sugar, ‘Swansea’ shape, to 1062”
1113 - “Tea caddy, same cover as 940 4¼ in.” (1128, 2649, 6299, A228)
1114 - “Urn, with cover, footed, with two handles, height 5 ¾ in.” (2553, 2752, 4072, 4429, 4613, 4673, 5152, 5355, 7039)
1120 - ““Chocolate cup and saucer, ‘Berlin’ shape, L and S coffee cup and saucer.” This version is in the Mikado pattern. It is also described as being the “Empire Shape”, so it was probably renamed because of the two world wars. (3788, Mikado).
1125 - Here the description given in “Royal Crown Derby” - (“Vase, cornucopia shape”) - does not match the actual marked number. Further research required. (6915)
1127 - “Jar, with cover, patterns 6299 and 1128” (8063)
1128 - “Vase, plain, with small foot, embossed neck, domed cover and knob, two small handles L 10⅞ in. S 9 in.” (4072, 5016)
1131 - “Similar to 1030, but with three handles at the shoulder” (2553)
1133 - “Urn, with ornate foot, handles and domed cover 8 in.” (4613, 5016, 5796)
1134 - “Vase, swan necked - New Kedleston Vase”
1135 - “Urn, with ornate foot, handles, inverted flute neck, and small domed cover 8½ in.” (915, 7412)
1137 - “Coffee cup and saucer, ‘Edinburgh’ shape, plain”
1140 - “Vase, classical, with embossed base and shoulder, two small handles, and flat cover” (673)
1141 - “Luncheon tray, triple, scalloped and with leaf handle” (383)
1146 - “Flower tube 6¾ in.”
1150 - “Vase, with cover, small embossed feet and shoulder” (1128, 2553)
1151 - “Fern pot, plain, with fluted top L 6 in. M 5 in. S 4 in.” (6299)
1170 - “Urn, with cover, small foot, embossed handles and knob 7 ¾ in.” (5590, 5796, 6348)
1173 - “Urn, with cover, small ribbed foot, embossed body, ribbed neck and cover with two small handles 6¾ in.” (5796)
1176 - “Similar to 1175 10 in.” (6464)
1178 - “Bottle, round, with pointed stopper 4½ in., patterns 6299 and 1128, originally thrown and turned, but cast from February 1915” (6299). Stopper missing.
1183 - “As 1169 8¼ in.”
1190 - “Basket, small, oblong, with twisted handle L 5 ½ in. long S 4⅜ in. long” (2444, 2451)
1193 - “Vase, similar to 1166 4½ in.” (919, 1128)
1194 - “Ewer, similar to 1134. L 7½” in. S 6 in.” (5590)
1196 - “Urn, with cover, similar to 1183 but with plain handles 4½ in. boat shape” (919, 5148, 6150)
1197 - “Urn, with cover, ovoid shape, embossed as 1196 L 6 in. S 4½ in.” (7502)
1198 - “Vase, similar to 1165 L 6 in. S 4½ in.” (1128, 5796, 6299)
1199 - “Vase, similar to 1155 4½ in.” (2691, 4613)
1202 - “Vase, campana shape, small 4 ½ in.” (1128, 5819, 6299)
1204 - “Bowl, with cover, on embossed foot, with leaf handles and knob” (919, 1128, 6348)
1205 - “Pepper, mustard and salt, ‘Dover’ shape, salt is as mustard but without cover” (A228, 2451)
1206 - “Cup, on plain foot, with two embossed handles 3¾ in.” (1128)
1207 - “Mug, with three embossed handles 5½ in.” (4072, 6248)
1216 - “Fern pot, hexagonal shape, with fluted top L 4⅜ in. S 3⅞ in.” (1128, 2649, 4612, 4758,)
1222 - “Ink stand, for one or two pots” (7923)
1224 - “Vase, plain, footed, with two small handles and fluted top. L 7¾ in. S 6¼ in.” (5152, 6513)
1227 - “Urn, small globe shape, with two handles and domed cover 5 in.” (1128, 1544, 2553, 6299)
1230 - “Urn, campana shape, plain, with domed cover 6¼ in.” (7039)
1232 - “Vase, small, with angular handles, four feet and wide top, patterns 6299 and 1128” (1128)
1234 - Omitted from Betty Bailey’s list. I have seen this shape in patterns 1128, 6005, 6299, 6324 and 6334
1235 - Another shape number omitted from Betty Bailey’s list (919, 1128)
1236 - “Fern pot, with three feet and fluted top 4 in.” (6299)
1237 - “Box, plain, with cover 5½ in.” (6299)
1238 - “Base (sic, probably should read “Vase”), with gadroon foot and top and two handles L 7½ in. S 5¾ in.” (6299)
1239 - “Vase, footed, ovoid shape, two handles and conical cover 5¾ in.” (6044, 9143)
1243 - “Sweet dish, fluted, with four feet and two small handles” (6299)
1244 - “Urn with cover, small foot, and two small handles at shoulder 6¼ in.” - (5875, 6047, 7408) Here shown lacking the cover.
1246 - “Urn, with embossed foot, handles from embossed shoulder, cover with knob 6½ in.” (6244)
1250 - “Urn, with cover, ovoid shape, with heavily embossed foot, handles and top, and pierced knob on cover 11½ in.” (7054)
1252 - “Spill vase, plain, with four small feet 4¼ in.” (1128, 6299)
1253 - “Similar to 1247 10½ in.” (7657)
1255 - “Loving cup, with three handles 6½ in.” (5938, 6880)
1257 - “Urn, plain, with cover 6¼ in.” (919, 1128)
1258 - “Loving cup, with embossed foot, handles and edge 9½ in.” (6854, 7657)
1259 - “Vase, campana shape 7½ in.” (6793, 6854)
1262 - “Urn, plain, with cover, pattern 1128 5½ in.” (6005, 6044, 6299, 9143, 9212)
1265 - “Urn, on elaborate foot, with embossed handles and cover 10 in.” (0482, 6299, 6324, 7054, 7793)
1270 - “Dinnerware, ‘Royal’ shape”
1272 - “Dessert plate, “Silver” shape, and round, hexagonal and tall comports”
1273 - “Sweet dishes, “Silver” shape, six sizes”
1274 - “Teaware, “Silver” shape”
1275 - “Dinnerware, “Silver” shape”
1276 - “Cup, two handles, same foot as 1257, 4 ½ in.” (6299)
1277 - “Urn, with embossed foot, two small handles and conical cover 9½ in.”
1279 - “As 1277 but without cover” (1128)
1281 - “Cup, with stand, two handles, four small feet and embossed rim” 5½ in. (6299)
1282 - “Vase, classical, foot similar to 1279, ovoid body with handles from slender neck, and small cover. L 11 in. S 9 in.” (2553, 8035) Here illustrated without the cover.
1283 - “Urn, plain, with cover, footed, embossed handles and knob 6 ¼ in.” (1128, 6299, 6322, 6393, 9118)
1284 - “Urn, “Silver” shape, with embossed foot and handles 4 ½ in.” (8544)
1286 - “Urn, with cover, plain foot and body, twist embossed handles, and knob” (1128, 6299, 6324)
1287 - “Vase, classical, shape similar to 1251 9 in.” (6047, 7773, 8327).
1288 - “Vase, campana shape, plain with two handles 5½ in.” (1128)
1291 - “Vase, Grecian plain, two handles 7 ¼ in.” (7347)
1294 - “Similar to 1267 8 in. high” (515)
1296 - “Vase, classical, with plain foot and body, embossed handles, and small cover with knob L 1 ft 3 in. M I ft S 9 ½ in.” (6354, 7292)
1300 - “Similar to 1297, L 9 in. S 7½ in.” (1128, 6854, 6990, 7054)
1301 - “Urn, with cover, plain foot and body, handles and cover with knob 5 ½ in.” (1128)
1305 - “Pastile burner, with embossed foot, mask corners and embossed cover 5 ½ in.” (1128)
1306 - “Vase, with embossed foot and base, narrow neck, two handles and embossed top L 8½ in. S 7½ in.” (1128, 6990, 7063)
1308 - “Vase, plain, with small foot, embossed handles and cover L 9 in. S 7¾ in.” (6299, 6854}
1316 - “Vase, globe shape, with slightly embossed foot, base and shoulder, two leaf handles, and domed cover with knob 9 ½ in.” (6792, 6854, 7194)
1318 - “Vase, with four small feet, plain body, two small handles from flower embossed top L 9 in., S 7 in.” (1128, 6299)
1321 - “Vase, ovoid shape, with embossed handles from slender neck and fluted top L 1 ft. 0½ in. S 10¼ in.” (7041)
1324 - “Similar to 1321 L 10 ¾ in. M 9 in. S 7 ¼ in.” (2553, 6299, 6990)
1327 - “Vase, globe shape, embossed neck and handles, and domed cover with knob 9 in.”
1328 - “Vase, urn shape, with embossed foot and base, handles and cover with knob 9 in.” (6299, 6867)
1330 - “Loving cup, with handles, plain, footed 5 in.” (2553, 6299, 6880)
1332 - “Vase, plain, globe shape, pattern 1128 4 in.” (1128, 6299)
1333 - “Vase, plain, with wide base, patterns 6299 and 1128, 4 in.” (5589)
1334 - “Vase, with wide base, narrow neck and two small handles 4 ½ in.” (1128, 5589, 6299)
1335 - “Vase, with wide base and narrow neck, patterns 6299 and 1128 4 ¼ in.” (1128, 5589, 6299 7428)
1336 - “Vase, globe shape, narrow neck 3 ¾ in.” (1128, 2444, 6299)
1337 - “Vase, globe shape, footed, with cover, pattern 1128 4 ½ in.” (1128, 6299, 7428)
1338 - “Vase, plain, with fluted top, patterns 6229 and 1128, 4½ in.” (1128, 7429)
1339 - “Vase, plain, with small foot and domed cover with knob 4⅜ in.” (1128, 2444)
1340 - “Vase, globe shape, with short fluted neck 3 ¼ in.” (1128, 5589, 6299)
1341 - “Jar, plain with cover, pattern 1128, 4 in.” (1128, 2444, 6299, 7439)
1342 - “Vase, globe shape with narrow neck 3 1/2" in.” (1128, 2444, 4613, 5559, 6299)
1343 - “Similar to 1342 4 in.” (1128, 5589, 6299)
1344 - “Vase, round, with two handles, patterns 6299 and 1128 3 in.” (1128, 5589, 6299)
1345 - “Vase, plain, footed and with domed cover, pattern 1128 4 ¼ in.” (1128, 6299)
1346 - “Vase, oval, with cover and knob 4½ in.” (6299, 9212)
1349 - “Vase, plain, footed, with two handles and embossed top 9 ¼ in.” (6847, 6854)
1350 - “Loving cup, footed, with two handles 4¾ in.” (1757, 6299, 6348)
1355 - “Similar to 1352 6 in.” (1128, 6299)
1357 - “Vase, with embossed feet continuing to base, plain body, embossed neck and fluted top, and embossed twisted flute handles
L 1 ft. 8½ in. S 1 ft. 4 in.” (7657)
1359 - “Similar to 1358 6 in.” (6990)
1363 - “Vase, classical, footed, with plain handles and small cover 8½ in.” (6299)
1366 - “Teacup and saucer, “Beaufort” shape, low”
1369 - “Vase, classical, ovoid body, plain foot, narrow neck, embossed handles from shoulder to body, and small domed cover with knob L 1 ft 2 ½ in. S 1 ft ½ in.” (6299, 7054, 8035)
1371 - “Vase, globe shape, with cover, foot as 1370, two small handles, and domed cover 5 ½ in.” (1128, 2444)
1375 - “Card basket, oval on four small feet. L 10 ¼ in., M 9 ¼ in., S 8 3/8 in.”
1382 - “Teapot 4½ in.” (4613). Seen with a sterling silver rim, but this might be a later addition.
1383 - “Biscuit box, with handles and cover with knob 6 ¼ in.” (6299)
1384 - “Biscuit box, with three handles and cover with knob 5⅞ in.” (6299)
1385 - “Tea caddy, with cover 4 ½ in.” (1128)
1386 - “Tea caddy, globe shape, with cover 3 ½ in.” (1128)
1397 - “Dessert plate, “Ely” shape, with shell, oval and tall comports, height 2 ½ in., round comport modelled for Philips July 1912”
1400 - “Loving cup, on tall foot, with three handles 8½ in.” (1128)
1405 - “’Emperor’ vase, campana shape, with square foot, embossed handles, and cover with embossed finial 1 ft. 9 in.”. Here shown without the cover.
1408 - “Vase, campana shape, with embossed foot and handles and top, no cover 8 in.” (8790)
1410 - “Vase, on round pedestal, with two small handles and small domed cover 8 ¼ in.” (6047, 7373, 7438, 7773)
1411 - “Urn, with embossed feet, handles and cover 6¼ in.” (9145)
1414 - “Vase, round, on embossed pedestal, with two small handles and cover 8½ in.”
1415 - “Vase, globe shape, footed, with two handles and cover 5 in.” (1128, 1781, 6299)
1416 - “Cup, footed, with one or two handles 4¼ in.”
1417 - “Cup, with two handles, on pedestal 7 in.” (1128)
1419 - “Urn, with cover, on tall foot, with two embossed handles and embossed knob on cover 8½ in.” (7658) Please note that the knob on this outline is incorrect as the image was taken from a piece which had been restored. The correct knob is shown in the image for shape 1463 below.
1420 - “Vase, campana shape, plain foot, embossed handles, cover with knob, L. 10 ¼ in., S. 8 ½ in.” (756, 6299, 7292, 7564, 7657, 8035, 8430)
1424 - “Vase, globe shape, with four small feet, twisted handles, embossed, and embossed cover 6 in.” (7364, 7374, 7408, 8327)
1425 - “Vase, ovoid shape, with embossed shoulders, narrow neck, and plain top, L 10 in. S 8½ in.” (6299)
1426 - “Vase, ovoid shape, with embossed neck and plain top, L 10 in. S 8¼ in.” (6854, 8189)
1427 - “Vase, globe shape, with embossed neck L 9 in. S 7⅛ in.” (6299, 8189)
1428 - “Vase, plain, with embossed neck and fluted top L 10 in. S 7½ in.” (2553)
1431 - “Sweets, Alton shape, four sizes”
1432 - “Vase, plain 4½ in.” (1128)
1433 - “Vase, plain 4 ¾ in.” (6299, 7428, 7429)
1434 - “Vase, plain, globe shape, with frilled top 4 in.” (1128, 2499)
1435 - “Vase, plain, with broad base and narrow neck 4 ¼ in.” (6299, 7428, 7429)
1436 - “Vase, plain, 4 ¼ in.” (1128)
1437 - “Vase, plain, with fluted shoulder 4 ½ in.” (1128, 2444, 6299, 7429)
1442 - “Vase, hexagonal shape, with domed cover and lion knob, L 1 ft. 0¼ in. M 10 in. S 8¼ in.” (8750)
1443 - “Vase, hexagonal shape, no cover pattern 1128 L 8 in. M 6 ½ in. S 5 ¼ in.” (1128, 6299)
1444 - “Vase, plain, with cover and lion knob, pattern 1128, L11½ in. M 9½ in S 8 in. and 7⁷̷ 10 in.” (6299, 7412, 8243) Here shown without a cover. I will have to redraw this as an example has now turned up with a lion knob. Sold as a pair with lions facing left and right.
1445 - “Vase, plain, L 8 in. M 6½ in. S 5¼ in.” (6299, 8243)
1449 - “Vase, plain, patterns 6299 and 1128 3 1/8 in.” (1128, 6299, 7429, 7438)
1450 - “Vase, globe shape, patterns 6299 and 1128 2 ¾ in.” (1128, 7428, 7429)
1451 - “Vase, bottle shape, patterns 6299 and 1128 3 ¼ in.” (1128, 6299)
1452 - “Similar to above (?), patterns 6299 and 1128, 3 in.” (1128, 6299, 7424)
1453 - “Similar to 1451, patterns 6299 and 1128 3 1/8 in.” (1128, 6299, 7429)
1454 - “Vase, small, with frilled top, patterns 6299 and 1128 2 ¾ in.” (1128, 6299, 7428, 7474)
1455 - “Toy cup, saucer, plate, sugar and cream, “Greek” shape, B and B” (4112)
1458 - “Vase” ovoid shape, similar to 1424 L 9 in. S 7 in.” (7408, 8790)
1460 - “Cup, small, footed, on pedestal, 3 ¾ in.” (7405)
1462 - “Similar to 1461, 8¼ in.”
1463 - “Urn, oval, with cover, on pedestal 7 in.”
1464 - “Vase, with cover, two small handles, embossed knob and cover, on pedestal L 1 ft 2 in. S 11 ½ in.” (7734, 7859)
1465 - “Vase, ovoid shape, with four small feet, two embossed handles and cover 5 ¾ in.” (8064, 9009)
1466 - “Bowl, modelled for R. E. Daniell, L 9 in. S 7 in.” (704, 9143)
1469 - “Vase, plain, bottle shape, with two small handles and frilled top 7 ¼ in.” (6047)
1470 - “Vase, plain, footed, with embossed handles, neck and knob on cover 6 in.” (7859)
1472 - “Vase, on embossed foot, with handles and embossed knob on cover 7 in.”
1474 - “Vase, campana shape, with two small handles and foot. Patterns 6299 and 1128 3 ¾ in.” (1128, 6299)
1475 - “Dessert plate and comports “Stanhope” shape”
1476 - “Toy coal scuttle, helmet shape, pattern 6299 2 ¾ in.” (2649, 6299)
1477 - “Coal bucket pattern 6299 2 ½ in.” (6299)
1478 - “Watering can pattern 6288 3 in.” (6299)
1479 - “Kettle pattern 6299 2 ½ in.” (2649, 6299)
1480 - “Cauldron pattern 6299 2 5/8 in.” (2649, 6299)
1481 - “Dinnerware “Ely” shape”
1482 - “Vase, footed, with cover and two small handles 5¼ in.” (8459)
1483 - “Similar to 1482, 6¾ in.” (7734)
1487 - “Vase, footed, with conical cover 7 in.” (7485)
1489 - “Vase, round, with slight embossing patterns 9299 and 1128 3 in.” (1128, 6299)
1491 - “Teapot 2 1/8 in. high” (2649, 6299)
1492 - “Vase, classical, embossed foot, with handles form neck to body and domed cover L 1ft. 5½ in. S 1 ft. 0½ in.”
1493 - “Ewer, as 1486 8 ¾ in. high”
1494 - “Toy mug, pattern 6299 1 ½ in.“ (2649, 6299)
1495 - Toy tea caddy pattern 6299 1 ½ in. high (2451, 6299)
1496 - “Toy teapot, sugar box and cream, “Dublin” shape” (1128, 2451, Ellis Spray)
1497 - “Toy vase, globe shape, with thin neck, patterns 6299 and 1128, 2⅜ in.” (1128)
1501 - “Vase, campana shape, with beading on foot and base, and top L 5 in. S 4 in.” (1128, 4063, 6299, 8063, 8145, 8881)
1502 - “Spill vase, with four small feet and beading on body patterns 6299 and 1128 2 ½ in.” (1128, 6299)
1503 - “Urn, ovoid shape, with embossed foot, handles and tall conical cover” (403)
1505 - “Vase, similar to 1482, 6½ in.” (7773)
1506 - “Vase similar to 1470 7 ¼” (6044, 9389)
1511 - “Vase, campana shape, patterns 6299 and 1128, 3 in.” (1128, 6299, 8063)
1512 - “Vase, similar to 1511 but with beading, patterns 6299 and 1128 2 ¾ in.” (1128, 6299, 8063, 8067)
1513 - Listed as “Unidentified” by Betty Bailey this pot-pourri vase has been recorded in patterns 1128, 6299, 8405 and 9337
1514 - “Loving cup, footed, with two handles, patterns 6299 and 1128” (1128, 6299)
1515 - “Teacup and saucer, “Ferrers” shape
1520 - “Vase, campana shape, patterns 6299 and 1128 L 5 in. S 4 1/8 in.“ (531, 1128, 7734, 8753)
1521 - “Vase, hexagonal shape, on three round feet, pattern 6299 L 4 3/8 in S 3 ½ in.” (5757, 6299, 8063)
1523 - “Similar to 1519 but plain and without cover, patterns 6299 and 1128 4 1/8 in.” (8063, 8753)
1524 - “Vase, round, with frilled top and three small feet, patterns 6299 and 1128” (1128, 6061)
1525 - “Vase, campana shape, with small foot, wide top and two small handles 2⅞ in.” (6299, 8063)
1526 - “Vase, with flat base, waisted with fluted edge, patterns 6299 and 1128, 3¾ in.” (6299, 8063)
1527 - “Dinner and teaware “Dover” shape”
1528 - “Vase, globe shape, on three supports from square base, patterns 6299 and 1128, 4⅛ in.” (1128, 8063) - Betty’s description is almost correct, but the base is three sided not square. An easy mistake to make as she was probably working from the line drawings in the shape books, not photographs.
1530 - “Vase, classical, with embossed foot, handles and neck, and frilled top, L 12¾ in. S 10⅛ in.” (117)
1541 - “Dinnerware, “Stanhope” shape, see 1475 for dessertware.”
1542 - “Coffee cup and saucer, “Stanhope” shape, waisted cup with embossed edge”
1543 - “Vase, classical, with octagonal foot, embossed base, neck and handles, small embossed cover with knob L 1ft 3 ¾ in S 11 ¼ in.” Incorrectly numbered 1535 by Betty Bailey - an obvious misprint as shape 1535 is described as an ink well and cover. (1128)
1544 - “Vase, with round embossed foot, wide neck narrowing to small cover with knob, and scroll embossed handles, L 1 ft. 2½ in. S 10¾ in.” (6047)
1545 - “Vase, round, with scallop edge, resting on scroll supports from embossed base 6 1/8 in.” (8754)
1546 - “Fern pot, round or oval with inverted flutes 3 ¾ in.” (5260)
1547 - “Vase, round, with two small handles and wide neck L 6 in. S 4 5/8 in.” (6299, 8260 - seen in green, blue and salmon pink versions)
1548 - “Vase, hexagonal shape, with small foot, two small handles, narrow neck with wider frilled edge. (1128)
1549 - “Vase, round, with frilled top 4 ½ in.” (1128, 6299, 8260)
1550 - “Jar, with cover, rounded hexagonal shape, patterns 6290 and 1128, L 8½ in. S 6⅞ in.” (1128, 6299, 8260, 8678). Not obviously hexagonal, but the images can be misleading. Clearly marked 1550.
1551 - “Vase, with small round foot, embossed handles and cover 6 in.” (6299, 8260)
1552 - “Vase, with round foot and domed cover, and two embossed handles L 7¾ in. S 6¼ in.” (6299, 8260)
1553 - “Vase, on four scroll feet with foliate embossing, patterns 6299 and 1128 L 6 5/8 in. S 5 1/8 in.” (1128, 8260)
1556 - “Jardinière, with embossed feet and scroll handles L 1 ft. 2 in. S 11½ in.” (8344)
1563 - “Jar, narrow at the base and neck, with wide shoulder, embossed neck and cover 1 ft. 4½ in.” (8260)
1565 - “Box, round, with cover, patterns 6299 and 1128, 2½ in.” (1128)
1567 - “Comports, ‘Bourbon’ shape, tall, oval, square and shell” (1128). The image above shows a square dish, but is clearly marked “1567” so it may be in the correct shape. I will need to see other marked pieces to fully confirm this.
1571 - “Fern pot, with four scroll feet and frilled top, L 4½ in. S 4 in.” (6299, 9007)
1575 - “Dish, oval, with embossed handles and edge, on four scroll supports from octagonal base 5 1/4 in. high (1128, 6044, 8412)
1576 -”Dish, small, round, with fluted top and three supports with claw feet 4 in. high” (1128, 6299)
1578 - “Vase, globe shape, on embossed pillar and with beaded cover and knob 8 3/4 in.”
1579 - “Vase, campana shape, with three supports to triangular base, and cover with foliate knob,
6½ in.” (1128, 6299)
1581 - “Dish, boar (boat) shape, on pedestal 5 1/4 in. (1128, 8458)
1584 - “Vase, round, with cover, four scroll feet and knob 3 ½ in.” (1128, 9259)
1585 - “Box, plain, round, with cover, foliate feet and knob 3 ½ in.” (1128)
1587 - “Box, hexagonal shape, with cover, small base, wide top and embossed knob, patterns 6299 and 1128 4 in.” (1128)
1590 - “Candlestick, with four dolphins on base, 10 in.” (6299)
1591 - “Vase, hexagonal shape, with narrow neck and fluted top L 10 in. S 6 1/2 in.” (6299, 8754, 8260). Round, not hexagonal, but I have seen two pieces clearly marked as being “1591”.
1592 - “Vase, with cover, hexagonal, no foot, L 9 ½ in. S 8 in.” (1128)
1593 - “Vase, with cover, hexagonal shape, footed, L 10½ in. S 8¼ in.” (1128) The vase body has a round shape but the foot is perhaps hexagonal. The cover is missing in this example.
1597 - Vase, shape as 1502, patterns 6299 and 1128 6 ½ in.” (2912, 6299, 9358)
1602 - “Pot-pourri, globe shape, with pierced cover, patterns 6299 and 1128 3 7/8 in.” (1128, 6299, 9134)
1616 - “Vase, square, plain, 6 in.” (1128)
1621 - Pot-pourri, hexagonal shape similar to 1602, patterns 6299 and 1128 4 ¾ in.” (1128 6299, 9337)
1623 - “Vase, square, with concave neck, 5¾ in.”
1627 - “Vase, round L 6in., M 5 ¼ in. S 4 ½ in. (1128, 6299)
1628 - “Vase, round, shallow, with fluted top, pattern 6299 4 ¼ in.” (1128)
1629 - “Vase, round, with wide fluted top, pattern 6299 4 ½ in.” (8794)
1631 - “Powder bowl, with embossed knob and four small feet, 4½ in.” (6299)
1633 - “Dessert plate, ‘Talbot’ shape, with acorn motif border, square, oval, round and tall comports”
1640 - “Vase, with foliate scrolled foot, two handles from shoulder to top cover with embossed knob 9 ½ in.”
1643 - “Vase, globe shape, on embossed foot, with foliate handles and knob on cover, L 9½ in. S 7¾ in.” (1128, 8790)
1646 - “Vase, campana shape, with ringed foot, leaf embossed base and top, scroll handles, and domed cover with knob 9 ½ in.” (6299)
1649 - “Vase, plain, goblet shape, L 5 ¼ in. S 4 3/8 in.” (1128, 9007)
1650 - “Loving cup, plain, footed, with two handles, 5¼ in.” (6299)
1651 - “Vase, campana shape, with plain foot and two small handles, 6⅜ in.” (6299)
1652 - “Vase, similar to 1651 but with larger scroll handles 4 ½ in.” (9008)
1657 - “Urn, with cover, two small handles, and embossed knob on cover 6 ¼ in.”
1658 - “Vase, with small foot, two embossed handles from shoulder to edge 7¼ in.” (1128)
1662 - “Jar, with cover, four claw feet, two lion head masques, and domed cover L 10 in. S 7 ½ in.” (1128, 9134)
1672 - “Toy milk churn 2 ½ in.” (2649, 6299)
1673 - “Toy saucepan 2 in.” (6299)
1674 - “Toy fish kettle 1¾ in.” (6299)
1675 - “Toy coffee pot 3 in.” (6299)
1678 - “Toy basket, scalloped 1 ½ in.” (6299)
1679 - “Toy basket, oblong 1 ¾ in. long” (6299)
1680 - “Toy tray, triple, 2 ½ in. long” (6299)
1685 - “Card baskets “Talbot” shape, square and oval L, M and S” (A228, A720)
1685 - “Card baskets “Talbot” shape, square and oval L, M and S”
1689 - “Mug, with one embossed handle L 4 ½ in., M 3 ¾ in. S 3in.” (6299, A228))
1694 - Dinner and teaware “Talbot” shape, oak leaf embossed edge”
1697 - “Vase, embossed foot, with two scroll handles and edge L 9 in. S 7 in.” (1128, 9420)
1698 - “Vase, campana shape, footed, with foliate embossed handles and edge L 8 ½ in. S 7 in.” (6299, 9134, 9143)
1700 - “Vase, inverted pear shape, on embossed foot, with twisted foliate handles L 9 ½ in. S 7 ¼ in.”
1701 - “Vase, similar to ‘Warwick’ shape 6½ in.” (9190)
1703 - “Vase, slender bottle shape with embossed neck L 7 ¾ in. S 6 ¼ in.” (1128)
1704 - “Vase, bottle shape with narrow neck and wide fluted top, patterns 6299 and 1128 7 ¼ in.” (1128)
1705 - “Vase, with wide top and four foliate embossed feet L 6 ¾ in. S 5 ¼ in.” (1128, 6299)
1706 - “Jar, hexagonal shape, with cover, patterns 6299 and 1128 7 in.” Not obviously hexagonal from the images, but the shape numbers are clearly marked. (1128, 6299, 8260, 9143)
1707 - “Vase, hexagonal shape, with cover, and two small handles and knob, pattern only 6299, L 8 in. S 6 7/8 in.” If this is correctly described, the cover is missing. (1128, 6299)
1708 - “Vase, shape as 1706, patterns 6299 and 1128 6 in.” (6299, 9143)
1709 - “Vase, globe shape, with narrow neck, patterns 6299 and 1128, 5½ in.” (1128)
1719 - “Vase, similar to 1718 6 in.”
1727 - “Vase, with small foot, plain body with beaded shoulder and scroll edge, 4½ in.” (9354)
1729 - “Vase, glove shape, footed, with curved foliate handles and pierced top, 4 in.” (9199)
1732 - “Vase, shape as 1726 but without foot, patterns 6299 and 1128, 4¼ in.” (1128, 9354)
1733 - “Vase, bottle shape, embossed at edge, patterns 6299 and 1128 4 ½ in.” (1128, 9354)
1735 - “Vase, globe shape, patterns 6299 and 1128 3 ½ in.” (6299)
1736 - “Vase, with four small foliate feet and fluted edge, patterns 6299 and 1128 3 ¾ in.” (9223)
1737 - “Vase, with small foot and wide pierced neck, patterns 6299 and 1128, 3⅜ in.” (1128, 6299)
1739 - “Pot-pourri jar, globe shape, patterns 6299 and 1128 3 ½ in.” (1128, 6299, 9433)
1740 - “Vase, round, with four embossed corners at shoulder, patterns 6299 and 1128, 3½ in.” (1128, 6299, 9354)
1741 - “Pot-pourri jar, globe shape, with domed cover and knob, patterns 6299 and 1128, L 5 in. S 4 in.” (1128, 9223)
1742 - “Pot-pourri jar, same body as 1386, 3½ in.” (6299)
1743 - “Bon-bon box, round, with flat cover, patterns 6299 and 1128 2 5/8 in.” (6299)
1749 - “Teapots, ‘Severn’ shape, rounded hexagonal shape, two sizes, coffee pots two sizes, biscuit box, honey pot, dejeuner tray, hot milk jug” (1128). Presumably the outline drawing above is of the honey pot.
1754 - “Cigarette box, oblong octagonal shape” (1128)
1756 - “Vase, with beaded foot and top, two small handles, scalloped edge, patterns 6299 and 1128 L 5 ¾ in., S 4 5/8 in.” (1128)
1757 - “Vase, shape similar to 1755 but without handles, patterns 6299 and 1128 5 in. S 4 1/8 in.” (1128)
1758 - “Spill vase, with foliate embossed edging, patterns 6299 and 1128, L 5⅝ in. S 4½ in.” (1128, 6299)
1759 - “Spill vase, beaded, with plain top, patterns 6299 and 1128 L 5 ¾ in., S 4 ½ in.” (1128, 6299)
1760 - “Vase, with square foot, reeded base, two small handles at shoulder, and plain top” 15cm (9389)
1762 - “Vase, with plain round foot, two small handles and wide top, patterns 6299 and 1128, 5¾ in.” (6299)
1763 - “Vase, campana shape, without handles, with beading on foot and edge, patterns 6299 and 1128 L 5 in. S 4 ¼ in.” (1128, 6299, 9141)
1764 - “Cigarette box, round, with flat cover, 3½ in.” (1128)
1766 - “Sugar caster, hexagonal shape, 6 in.” (6299)
1768 - “Tea caddy, shape as 1766, 5¾ in.” - (1128)
1771 - “Vase, rounded hexagonal shape with scalloped top, patterns 6299 and 1128 2 ½ in.” - (1128, 6299)
1772 - Vase, plain, patterns 6299 and 1128 2 ½ in.” (1128)
1773 - “Vase, plain, with four small feet, patterns 6299 and 1128 2 ½ in.” (1128)
1774 - “Vase, plain, with beading at base and edge, patterns 6299 and 1128 2 ½ in.” (6299)
1775 - “Vase, hexagonal shape with beaded edge, patterns 6299 and 1128, 2½ in.” (1128)
1776 - “Vase, round, with beaded base and edge, patterns 6299 and 1128, 2½ in.” (6299)
1777 - “Fern Pot, shape as 1774 L 4 ½ in., M 3 ¾ in., S 3 1/8 in.” - (1128, 9350)
1781 - “Trinket box, round, and cover L 2 in., M 1 5/8 in., S 1 ¼ in.” (6299, Saccharin box)
1782 - “Trinket box, oval, and cover L 2 in. M 1 ½ in., S 1 ¼ in.” (1128, 6299)
1784 - “Trinket box, with embossed cover L 1 ½ in., S 1 ¼ in.” (6299)
1788 - “Box, with cover, round, with two handles 4 in.” (9346)
1793 - “Box, hexagonal shape, with cover, footed, and with two handles” (9346)
1795 - “Box, with cover, foliate embossed feet and knob 6 ¾”
1800 - “Tray, small, oblong”
1801 - “Tray, small, square”
1802 - “Tray, small, oval”
1803 - “Tray, small, square”
1806 - “Inkwell, rounded, 3¼ in.” (1128, 6299)
1807 - “Inkwell, square, with four foliate embossed feet and cover 3 ½in.” (A228) The example above lacks the inkwell and cover. (1128, A228)
1814 - “Boxes, small, round, with serrated edge, two sizes. (1128)
1820 - “Box, oblong, with four foliate feet and beaded cover” (1128)
1825 - “Vase, globe shape, patterns 6299 and 1128 L 3 1/8 in. S 2 ½ in.” (1128, 6299)
1826 - “Vase, plain, patterns 6299 and 1128, L 4 in., S 3¼ in.” (1128)
1828 - “Vase, globe shape, with narrow neck, patterns 6299 and 1128 L 4 in., S 3 ¼ in.” (1128, 6299)
1829 - “Vase, octagonal shape, on pointed corners, L 4 in. S 3 1/8 in.” (1128, 6299)
1830 - “Vase, square, with small foot, patterns 6299 and 1128, L 4 in., S 3¼ in.” (1128)
1835 - “Box, round, as 1819, 5½ in. wide, 1 in. high” (1128)
1844 - “Loving cup, campana shape, with two foliate scroll handles 4 ½ in.”
1859 - “Vase, unusual shape, 4⅜ in.” (1128)
1877 - “Sweets, “Cairn” shape, similar to 1876, oval six sizes, round six sizes”
1885 - “Sandwich set, oblong tray, six square plates”
1886 - “Fruit set, square, bowl and six saucer dishes” (228, 1128)
1902 - “Coffee cup and saucer, ‘Royal Gadroon’ shape, as ‘Edinburgh’ but with gadroon embossing”
1909 - “Dinner plate, ‘Octagon’ shape”
1911 - “Teacup and saucer, ‘Octagon’ shape, low”
1915 - “Coffee pot, cream and sugar, ‘Octagon’ shape”
1919 - “Comport gadroon also plain and vine”
1920 - “Cigarette box, oblong, plain” (228)
1923 - “Jam pot, with cover and strawberry knob 3 ½ in.” (228)
1926 - “Tray, similar to 407 but with cigarette rests” (also described as “cigar tray with rests”)
1927 - “Jam and marmalade sets, two pots on tray, with spoons”
1928 - “Mug, plain 5 in.”
1930 - “Toy ware, ‘Chelsea’ shape, teacup and saucer, teapot, sugar box and cream, coffee pot, coffee cup and saucer, plate, bread and butter, kettle and caddy” (9818)
1933 - “Tazza, as 1221 but without handle” (228)
1934 - “Vase, as 1844 but with “eagle” shape handles”
1942 - “Goblet, gadroon embossing on foot 4 ¾ in.”
1943 - “Cigarette box, as 1920 but gadroon edge on cover”
1945 - “Sweets, ‘Bedford’ shape, round, three sizes”
1947 - “Powder box, round with cover 5 in.”
1950 - “Sweets, Duchess shape, with pierced handles and foot, six sizes”
1957 - “Tray, leaf shape, 4½ in. diameter”
1959 - “Tray, rectangular, embossed “Chinese Birds” shape”
1960 - “Tray, ‘Rouen’ shape, embossed ‘Chinese Birds’ shape”
1961 - “Tray, leaf shape, embossed ‘Chinese Birds’ shape”
1962 - “Tray, ‘Silver’ No. 1 shape, embossed ‘Chinese Birds’ shape”
1963 - “Tray, oblong, embossed “Pershore” shape (Fruit and flowers)”
1967 - “Tea and dinnerware “Vine” shape, embossed”
1968 - “Tea and dinnerware “Burford” shape, embossed”
1969 - “Tea and dinnerware “Kendal” shape, embossed”
1970 - “Teacup and saucer “Chinese Birds” shape, dessert plate embossed”
1971 - “Dessert plates, “Pershore” shape, embossed.
1974 - “Tray, original Rockingham but no embossing” (Here the flowered version is shown)